sobota, 15 lipca 2023

Metrical books currently missing from the Przemyśl diocese

English version of the note:

The topic is not related to the main line of the blog, but in some way explains why the lists of subjects often remain the only way to learn the genealogy of ancestors in the Podkarpacie region.   


Added January 5, 2025

In the personnel files of Walter Slawik, IPN GK/94 4927, I found a small contribution regarding the contents of the transport from September 12, 1944, from Krakow to Janowice. 


The shipment of two crates containing forms from the Sippenstelle was carried out on the 12th of the month as a freight shipment [this concerns the transport from September 12, 1944. Transport of two crates from Krakow to Janowice on behalf of the Sippenstelle Krakau, weighing 297 kg; the transport arrived at its destination on September 20, 1944]. The last transport of records was executed by Kassbacher. According to the telegram, due to the lack of storage space, storage could not take place at the Moll tannery, and the crates were instead placed at the Ghorausch [should be Thorausch] transport company. Please contact the transport company regarding this matter.

Added September 27, 2024

Files with reference numbers:

  • IPN GK/94 6992 – transport of civil records (including files from Warsaw),
  • IPN GK/94 7026 – invoices for transport of civil records (including a shipping document) to Brzeg,
  • IPN GK/94 7161 – invoices from the Sippenstelle office in Janowice (including freight waybills).

Added September 17, 2024

My presentation at Geneami 11 in Brzeg:

Presentation link

Added September 16, 2024

A chronological list of events related to the transport of vital records to Sippenstelle Krakau, with offices in Kraków, Rabka-Zdrój, and Janowice, likely incomplete [but it is not sure].

January 21, 1944

Transport from Lwów to Kraków for Sippenstelle Krakau, containing 4 boxes of records:

  • Roman Catholic parishes: Bruckental, Cieszanów, Dublany, Grodek Jagiellonski; Felizienthal, Kobylnica-Fehlbach; Kaiserdorf, Konigsau, Uhnow; Munchenthal, Ludwikówka, Weissenberg, Felizienthal, Gródek Jag., Kamionka Strum., Podhayce.

January 31, 1944

Transport from Lwów to Kraków for Sippenstelle Krakau, containing 22 boxes of records:

  • Roman Catholic parishes: Grodek Jagiellonski, Kamionka Strum., Bóbrka, Bolechow, Dolina, Kalusch, Kobylnica, Muzylowice, Olesko, Rodatyce, Sokołowka, Swirz, Uhnow, Weissenberg, Winniki, Zimna Woda, Podhajczyki, Zeldec.
  • Jewish communities: Rawa Ruska, Niemirow, Lubycza, Lubczow; Sokal; Tartakow, Busk, Raziechow, Kamionka Strum., Wtkow Nowy; Brzeżany; Rohatyn, Burstyn; Kozowa, Narajów; Czortków; Chorostków, Probużne, Jagielnica, Ułaszkowce; Borszczow, Monasterzyska, Koyczynce; Buczacz, Skała, Mielnica; Zólkiew; Jaworów; Mostywielkie, Wielkie Oczy, Sądowa Wisznia, Huseakow, Stanisław; Krakowiec, Rudki, Bóbrka, Janow; Komarno, Grodek Jag.; Jaryczow Nowy, Szczezec, Zniesienie, Winniki; Stryj; Skole, Turka, Drobohycz; Lysiec, Bohorodczany, Talicz, Solotwina, Jezupol, Mariampol.

February 6, 1944

Transport from Lwów to Kraków for Sippenstelle Krakau, containing records from:

  • Jewish community: Lwów city; Roman Catholic parish: Tarnopol district.

February 25, 1944

Transport from Lwów to Kraków for Sippenstelle Krakau, containing 2 boxes of records from:

  • Jewish communities: Witkow Nowy, Radziechow, Toporow; Stojanow, Szczurowiece, Lopatyn.

March 16, 1944 (arrived April 12, 1944)

Transport from Lublin to Kraków (?) for the State Archives Kraków, 7 boxes containing records from evangelical parishes of the Lublin district.

March 16, 1944 (arrived April 12, 1944)

Transport from Lublin to Rabka-Zdrój for Sippenstelle Krakau, 6 boxes of Jewish records from the Lublin district.


May (?) 1944

Transport from Lviv to Rabka-Zdrój on behalf of Sippenstelle Krakau, containing Jewish civil records from Lviv.

May 24, 1944

Transport from Lviv to Rabka-Zdrój on behalf of Sippenstelle Krakau, containing duplicates of Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic record books.

May 26, 1944

Transport from Lviv to Rabka-Zdrój on behalf of Sippenstelle Krakau, containing Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic civil record books.

July 1, 1944 (arrived in Kraków on July 8, 1944)

Transport from Lublin to Kraków (?) on behalf of Sippenstelle (Uniwersytecka 13, Kraków), containing 27 crates of civil record books from the Lublin district.

August 10, 1944

Transport of civil records from Kraków to Krummhübel-Brückenberg.

September 1, 1944

Transport of 11 crates on behalf of Sippenstelle from the collection point in Brzeg to Janowice (likely Schaffgotsch Palace). Weight: 1001 kg, with arrival in Janowice on or around September 5, 1944.

September 5, 1944

Transport of civil record books from Kraków to the collection point in Brzeg (likely Moll Tannery), weighing 7000 kg, which arrived in Brzeg on September 9, 1944.

September 7, 1944

Transport of 9 crates from Krummhübel-Brückenberg to Janowice on behalf of Sippenstelle Krakau, at the evacuation point in Janowice. Weight: 472 kg, arriving in Janowice on September 8 and 9.

September 7, 1944

Transport commissioned by Sippenstelle Krakau evacuation point in Janowice from Krummhübel-Brückenberg to Karl Teske, weighing 62 kg. The contents were described as “Kriegswichtiges Schriftgut” [war-important documents?].


September 12, 1944

Transport of 2 crates from Kraków to Janowice on behalf of Sippenstelle Krakau, weighing 297 kg. The transport arrived on September 20, 1944.

September 18 and 19, 1944

Transport of 33 crates from Brzeg (possibly Moll Tannery) to Janowice on behalf of Sippenstelle Krakau’s evacuation point in Janowice, weighing 3439 kg. The cargo arrived on September 23, 1944.

October 9, 1944

Transport of "items after vacating the premises" from Rabka-Zdrój to Janowice on behalf of Sippenstelle Krakau’s evacuation point in Janowice. The transport arrived on October 16, 1944.

October 11, 1944

Transport of 3 crates (office supplies) from Kraków to Janowice on behalf of Sippenstelle Krakau’s evacuation point in Janowice. The transport arrived on October 21, 1944, weighing 290 kg.

October 11, 1944

Government of the General Government,
Main Department of Internal Administration,
Population and Social Welfare Department - Family Office -
(8) temporarily in Jannowitz/Riesengebirge

This is to inform that today 3 crates were shipped by freight to the above address. The contents of the crates are as follows:
Crate No. 1: Forms
Crate No. 2: Files
Crate No. 3: Telephone apparatus

  • 10 inkwells
  • 3 hole punchers
  • 6 light bulbs
  • Various forms
  • Remaining books from Buja's room

We were unable to send office supplies as we have very few left for our own needs. You may alternatively request them from our crates stored in Brzeg. Blankets are also unavailable.

October 12, 1944

Sippenstelle registry materials transported from Brzeg to Janowice, arriving on October 29, 1944.

October 17, 1944

Transport of 10 crates containing likely Evangelical records, including those from Warsaw and Pilica, sent from Piotrków, arriving in Janowice on October 29, 1944, weighing 1015 kg.

After January 12, 1945

Transport of a wagon with civil records from Janowice to Coburg, which arrived in mid-March 1945.

Added August 8, 2024

The evacuated Sippenstelle facility in Janowice Wielkie was already established in August 1944; the transport of records from Kraków to Janowice likely occurred in August 1944. Accordingly, it seems that records and documents were transported from Sippenstelle Krakau to Janowice in August 1944, and from Rabka-Zdrój to Brzeg records moved from Lwów to Rabka in May 1944, as well as some records (but which part?) transferred from Sippenstelle Krakau to Rabka between mid-April and July 1944.

Personnel at the Sippenstelle office in Janowice (from August 1944):

  •     Walter Slawik (since August 10, 1944, in Janowice) – head;
  •     Aleksander Cyganiuk – Romanian citizen;
  •     Margarete Niedobetzki;
  •     Stefanie Polijowski (since August 28, 1944, in Janowice);
  •     Rudolf Spichale (transferred to the evacuated Sippenstelle office in Karpacz on August 6, 1944);
  •     Michael Tarnowiecki (born February 3, 1891), Romanian citizen, since September 2, 1944, in Janowice;
  •     Iftemij Trufyn, Romanian citizen (born September 16, 1914).

Added June 7, 2024

A collection of materials from the correspondence of the Directorate of Archives of the General Government, Reichsippenamt, and VoMi from autumn 1944 - concerning metric books stored at the Moll tannery in Brzeg after being transported from Krakow [in August 1944, presumably between August 2 and August 5, 1944]:

In August 1944, a new location for the Sippenstelle Krakau was being prepared in the Rubezahl hotel in Karpacz (employees of BuFu were sent there on delegation) - this is consistent with information provided by Max Kassbacher to Polish archive employees in August 1944 (after the war, Fr. Dr. Kwolek also had such knowledge). Simultaneously, after August 2, 1944, records from most of the General Government offices were transported to a collection point established in the tannery in Brzeg [Moll tannery in Brzeg].

For reasons unknown to me, it seems that the new BuF/Sippenstelle point in Karpacz [Rubezahl hotel] was not established - the metric records were "abandoned" in Brzeg even after the official closure of the collection point at the beginning of October 1944. This fact prompted an exchange of official notes between Deutsche Mittelstelle, Reichsippenamt, and the Directorate of Archives. In early January 1945, the director of the archives of the General Government wrote to his superior that he hoped the records from Brzeg had been transported to Cieplice [theoretically the new BuF headquarters? Such was probably the plan, but as we know, a large portion of the records remained in Brzeg until 1946]. The question remains what records Weirauch transported to Coburg - were these records that remained in Krakow after August 1944, or did he take "en route" from Krakow through Brzeg one wagon of records stored in Brzeg? The information is slowly forming a coherent story.

Added May 31, 2024

Another document confirms that metric records were transported from Krakow in August 1944 to the collection point for records from the General Government in Brzeg. These records were stored there in poor conditions, which the GG archival service pointed out. If we assume that the Przemyśl metrics were transported to Brzeg in August 1944 and considering that they were not found there in 1946, it can be hypothesized that they were possibly transported to a better storage location in late autumn 1944 [maybe with other materials].

Thus, I update the chronological information:

  • August 1944 [probably before August 25] – transport of records from Sieppenstelle Krakau to Brzeg [I still do not know if the "Przemyśl metrics" were among these records]. The records [all or part] were discovered in 1946 by Polish archival services in Brzeg.
  • January 1945 – second transport of metric records from Krakow before the Red Army entered the city [one wagon of records];
  • January 1945 – new, temporary, and short-lived seat of Sippenstelle, Janowice Wielkie;
  • March 1945 – one wagon with Sippenstelle Krakau records reaches Coburg;
  • November 1945 – U.S. 3rd Army intelligence report on metric records in Coburg;
  • March 1946 – order to transport metric materials from Coburg to the "Monuments Fine Arts and Archives" collection point in Bamberg;
  • March 20, 1946 – Lt. Albright transports metric materials from Coburg to Nuremberg with two trucks;
  • March 21, 1946 – Lt. Albright transports the rest of the materials with two trucks;
  • May 1946 – restitution transport of K. Estreicher reaches Krakow from Nuremberg, including 68 crates of Sippenstelle Krakau metrics;
  • November 1946 – Polish request for 80 crates of metrics found in Coburg;
  • February 1947 – information sent to the Polish side about the transfer of metrics found in Coburg to the collection point in Bamberg.

Added May 30, 2024

Additional materials concerning Brzeg [where in 1946 the metric books taken from Krakow were discovered]. Before October 1944, a temporary archive depot for materials transported from Krakow was established there. In October, it was being liquidated, and the records were transported from Brzeg to Dresden – there were delays in transportation [the forwarding company Thoreusch]. The following conclusions can be drawn:

a) Records from Krakow were partially transported to Brzeg in August 1944;

b) Some of these records remained in Brzeg (discovered in 1946), while some were transported to Dresden (possibly to other locations as well).

Rough Translation:

I inform you that I was in Brzeg on October 25, 1944. Miss Altenhövel has not been working in Brzeg since October 15, 1944. The liquidation of the transit camp in Brzeg is being continued by the employee Galewski. Although it is very crowded, there is a possibility that these crates may still be there. I have instructed that if the sought-after crates are found, the archives directorate in Berlin-Dahlem should be notified immediately.

Crates sent to Dresden with materials concerning contemporary history are also still in Brzeg. Therefore, I personally immediately contacted the forwarding company Thoreusch again and requested the prompt dispatch of these crates. I was also promised that the transport would be carried out within this week.

Crates destined for Berlin with office materials were sent about 14 days ago according to Mr. Galewski.

I brought back with me a suitcase full of writing materials, including a signing folder. Letterheads and envelopes with the inscription "Regierung des GG." are not available in Brzeg at all. Small envelopes were not available at MET at this time, but should be available again soon.

Added May 14, 2024

After analyzing the original testimonies given by L. Weirauch and his secretary Erna Schnorrenpfeil (maiden name Hampel), I revise the chronology [from the note dated September 22, 2023]. Records from Krakow were transported in at least two shipments, in August 1944 and January 1945. I still do not know in which shipment the "Przemyśl metrics" were, the August 1944 or January 1945.

Chronology [state of knowledge as of May 14, 2024]:

  • August 1944 [probably before August 25] – transport of records from Sieppenstelle Krakau "to the Reich," Max Kassbacher in a private conversation mentions Karpacz. Most likely, the records deposited in Rabka Zdrój in May 1944 are being transported. Probably records transported from Krakow in August 1944 were discovered in Brzeg in 1946.
  • January 1945 – the second transport of metric records from Krakow before the Red Army entered the city [one wagon of records];
  • January 1945 – new, temporary, and short-lived seat of the Sippenstelle, Janowice Wielkie;
  • March 1945 – one wagon with Sippenstelle Krakau records reaches Coburg;
  • November 1945 – U.S. 3rd Army intelligence report on metric records in Coburg;
  • March 1946 – order to transport metric materials from Coburg to the "Monuments Fine Arts and Archives" collection point in Bamberg;
  • March 20, 1946 – Lt. Albright transports metric materials from Coburg to Nuremberg with two trucks;
  • March 21, 1946 – Lt. Albright transports the rest of the materials with two trucks;
  • May 1946 – restitution transport of K. Estreicher reaches Krakow from Nuremberg, including 68 crates of Sippenstelle Krakau metrics;
  • November 1946 – Polish request for 80 crates of metrics found in Coburg;
  • February 1947 – information sent to the Polish side about the transfer of metrics found in Coburg to the collection point in Bamberg.

Added March 15, 2024

During the meeting of the Małopolskie Genealogical Society on March 14, 2024, I briefly presented the collected information concerning the missing metric books from the area covering the parishes of the Przemyśl diocese (within the borders before 1939).

Link to the presentation:

Added January 12, 2024

Report from the opening of wagon number 13 of Estreicher's restitution train, written on May 2, 1946, in Krakow. It states that 68 crates loaded in Nuremberg on April 26, 1946, arrived in Krakow. The crates contained records from Coburg Raststrasse 9. This confirms the shipment of 68 crates of metrics from Nuremberg and that these were the metric records found in Coburg.


Added on September 22nd 2023:

Sławomir T. Nowak help was very important for achieving the results presented below.

We managed to confirm the statements of L. Weirauch and his secretary regarding the transportation of metrical records from Krakow to Coburg in 1945. Therefore, it can be assumed that other facts related to this matter are also true in their testimonies.


  • August 1944 - The removal of records from Sieppenstelle Krakau "to the Reich," with Max Kassbacher mentioning in private conversation that they were taken to Karpacz.
  • After August 1944 - The new headquarters of Sippenstelle Krakau is established in Janowice Wielkie.
  • March 1945 - One railcar containing records from Sippenstelle Krakau arrives in Coburg.
  • November 1945 - Report from the intelligence of the US 3rd Army about vital records located in Coburg.
  • March 1946 - Commissioning the transport of metrical materials from Coburg to the "Monuments Fine Arts and Archives" collection point in Bamberg.
  • March 20, 1946 - Lt. Albright transports metrical materials from Coburg to Nuremberg using two trucks.
  • March 21, 1946 - Lt. Albright transports the remaining materials using two trucks.
  • May 1946 - K. Estreicher's restitution transport arrives from Nuremberg to Krakow, including 68 crates of metrical records from Sippenstelle Krakau.
  • November 1946 - The Polish side requests the return of 80 crates of vital records found in Coburg.
  • February 1947 - Information is sent to the Polish side about the transfer of vital records found in Coburg to the collection point in Bamberg.


PDF with polish request:

Information from the National Archives of Poland (ANK) regarding metrical records brought from Nuremberg in May 1946:


Possible scenarios, considering the information mentioned above (from the most probable):

A) The "Przemysl" vital records went missing in Coburg in 1945 or early 1946.

B) Another place of removal for the vital records – a third transport (Karpacz, as mentioned by Max Kassbacher in August 1944, or an entirely different location).

C) Destruction or looting during transport to Brzeg or while storing the metrical records in Brzeg – the least likely possibility. I am creating a list of all metrical records taken from Lwów to assess the percentage of material lost (for crates numbered 4, 5, and 32, over 90% of the material survived the war – so far, no identification of the disappearance of records from the entire crate except for the "Przemysl" records).

Falsification of hypothesis (A) through a thorough query in the records of the US 3rd Army (especially locating the report from November 24, 1945, and possibly others related to the interrogation of L. Wierauch by the CIC). Falsification of hypothesis (B) through a query at the Karkonoskie Museum in Jelenia Góra and, if necessary, the records of the State Archives in Wrocław, branch Jelenia Góra. Supplementary queries at the National Archives.

The obtained information, in brief:

Determining the place of export (one of the places?) of records from Krakow to Coburg and confirming the survival of metric materials (Professor B. Musiał assumed that L. Weirauch lied and destroyed the metrics, "Deutsche Zivilverwaltung und Judenverfolgung im Generalgouvernement," 1999, page 322). At least one crate of documents was not returned to the Polish side by the Americans; there is a discrepancy of 68 crates returned – according to some documents (Polish side's request from November 1946) 80 crates were found.

Added on July 16th 2023:

Complete list of pre XIX century metrical books from Przemysl Dioclese in Lwów Archive made by Baranietzki:

With green colour    marked metrical books return which are now in Archidioclese Archive in Przemysl, that books were returned by Germans in 1943 (probably by mistake).

List of 804 metrical books which were transported by Germans from Lwow to Krakow in march 1944 (and all of them are now missing):

Added on July 15, 2023:  

If you want to support my activities by financing the planned searches in the German archives (Bundesarchive Koblenz in the first place), I would like to ask for a donation:  

The materials of Baraniecki's catalog currently in AN Kraków, reference number 29/427/74, contain a list of record books stored in Lviv plundered from the Przemyśl Diocese Archives.  The red underline probably marked the books that arrived in Krakow in the March 1944 transport, photos to download from my google drive:


Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Kwolek, before 1939, the Diocesan Archives in Przemyśl gathered a large collection of metrical books from the pre 1772 period. 
Metrical books collected by Dr. Kwolek were looted by the Soviets in 1940 along with the entire archive of the Przemyśl diocese. Placed in Lwów which was in 1941 conquered by Germany. That metrical books were included in the collection of the Archives in Lwow and then around 1942/3 in the Metrikenstelle Lamberg. On the order of Dr. Randt (German General Goverment Archive head), they were sent on March 21, 1944 to Sippenstelle Krakau, where they arrived without loss (other files of Metrikenstelle Lamberg in May 1944 were taken to Rabka and in autumn 1944 to Brzeg, where they survived the war). The files from the Metrikenstelle Krakau were probably taken to the Sudety Mountains (Jannowitz) at the end of August 1944, and then in March 1945, probably to Coburg in Bavaria, and from there, at the end of the war (April 1945), probably to Nuremberg. There the trail ends. 
Almost all metrical books that were in the diocesan archives before 1939 are now lost. Books of marriage banns and non-metrical files have been preserved. Below is a packaging list in Lwów from March 1944. That metrical books are not currently in the Archive - the last certain place of storage and date is March 27, 1944, Krakow. I have some clues (quite strong) but still based on the testimonies of employees of the German GG administration, who for various reasons did not always tell the truth. I am afraid that it is highly probable that these lost records were destroyed (in the spring of 1945) - however, there is no evidence or even circumstantial evidence for this. A complete and accurate list of lost record files looted from the Archives of the Diocese of Przemyśl during World War II is being prepared by S. Nabywaniec, W. Ziobro with whom I exchange materials - this list is to be added to the catalog of war losses (  
In the list below, the number of books is incorrect, it was created at an express pace, hence these minor mistakes (Rudolowice was also incorrectly entered).  More information is in the Branietzki inwentory - books missing are that ones which were received in Krakow in 1944 (underline by red colour):
It should also be noted that the books mentioned here after 1784 with reference numbers beginning with D (last items) were transported between March and August 1944 to Rabka, from where, together with other books, they went to Brzeg where they were discovered in the autumn of 1946 - currently they are stored in the AGAD and AP Przemyśl.  
Photos below are from CDIAL, Lwów /755/1/285, an identical copy of the export list is also in ANK, Kraków.

Note from 27 march 1944 -  last sure information regarding the place of storage of currently missing metrical books.

Below order of displacement of metrical books issued by Dr Randt on 11th of March 1944.

Signature number Parish        Start date          End date             Vol.
384-392 Przemyśl 1636 1777 11
410-413 Albigowa 1661 1784 4
416-419 Babice 1602 1777 4
422-419 Bachorzec 1718 1816 2
425 Baligród 1718 1816 1
430-433 Bieliny 1662 1778 4
439-441 Bieździedza 1694 1785 3
443-446 Biroza 1696 1802 4
455 Blizne 1727 1776 1
458-459 Błażowa 1738 1778 2
462 Blozew 1648 1747 1
464 Boguchwała 1619 1759 1
467-471 Bóbrka 1660 185 5
474-477 Bruchnal 1701 1785 4
484-486 Brzozów 1688 1784 3
506 Brzyska 1739 1777 1
508-509 Chmielnik 1662 1777 3
520-521 Cieklin 1683 1777 2
523-533 Czudec 1649 1785 11
543-547 Czukiew 1682 1785 5
570-575 Dobrzechów 1647 1805 6
577-580 Domaradz 1744 1785 4
584 Drohobycz 1729 1784 1
587-596 Dubiecko 1631 1784 10
600-602 Dublany 1696 1776 3
603 Winniki 1746 1777 1
608 Dudynce 1778 1784 1
610-616 Dukla 1635 1781 17
628-631 Dynów 1701 1776 4
641-647 Dzikowiec 1675 1806 7
653-654 Felsztyn 1681 1777 2
657-658 Futoma 1703 1774 2
662-663 Gac 1895? 1770 2
669 Giedlarowa 1753 1786 1
674-682 Głogów 1684 1796 9
685-691 Gniewczyna 1658 1777 15 15 for two inw from Gniewczyna
693-700 Gniewczyna 1753 1786

706-707 Gogołów 1657 1772 2
709-712 Golcowa 1590 1784 4
716-721 Gorzyce 1678 1787 6
727-729 Grabownica 1676 1790 3
735-736 Grębów 1768 1775 2
744-751 Grodzisko 1708 1784 8
758 Handzlówka 1777 1784 1
761-763 Harta 1714 1783 3
766-767 Hartlowa 1597 1780 2
769 Hoczew 1633 1756 1
771-774 Humniska 1697 1784 4
779-782 Husaków 1617 1785 4
787-789 Hyzne 1703 1815 4
795-799 Izdebki 1615 1782 5
805-806 Jaćmierz 1719 1786 2
809-839 Jarosław 1616 1780 31
879-888 Jasienica 1621 1785 10
893-895 Jasionów 1666 1784 3
897-899 Jaśliska 1631 1785 3
905 Jasło 1717 1749 1
908 Jawornik 1778 1812 1
921-917 Jaworów 1630 1828 6
921-927 Jezowe 1721 1784 7
934-936 Kalwaria 1688 1793 3
938-939 Kańczuga 1687 1724 2
944-945 Klimkówka 1654 1776 2
951-957 Komarno 1651 1785 7
964-966 Kombornia 1684 1777 3
968 Korczyna 1764 1783 1
971-972 Kosina 1727 1777 2
975-978 Kraczkowa 1658 1781 4
985-987 Krasiczyn 1635 1784 3
995-997 Krasne 1657 1784 3
1000-1001 Krosno 1701 1784 2
1021-1025 Krościenko 1603 1789 3
1029-1035 Krezmienica 1659 1777 7
1051-1052 Krzywcza 1677 1778 2
1059-1060 Laszki 1604 1733 2
1064-1067 Leszawa 1636 1850 4
1070-1081 Leżajsk 1636 1786 2 sygnatury przepisane jak w inwentarzu
1101-1103 Lesko 1663 1784 3
1105 Lubatowa 1622 1777 1
1109-1114 Lubenia 1676 1784 6
1117-1119 Lubla 1610 1835 3
1121-1122 Lutcza 1653 1779 2
1124-1135 Łańcut 1633 1784 2 sygnatury przepisane jak w inwentarzu
1140-1141 Łanowice 1612 1784 2
1144-1149 Łączki 1649 1774 6
1158-1164 Łąka 1684 1805 7
1169-1170 Łężyny 1731 1778 2
1180 Łubienko 1636 1784 1
1183-1185 Majdan Kolbusz. 1756 1786 3
1187 Majdan Sien. 1716 1786 1
1190-1191 Malawa 1720 1786 2
1193-1196 Manasterz 1678 1777 4
1198-1201 Markowa 1657 1776 4
1205-1209 Medenice 1705
1223-1231 Miechocin 1593 1784 9
1235-1236 Miejsce 1770 1785 2
1245-1247 Milczyce 1650 1785 3
1257-1262 Mościska 1665 1786 6
1278-1282 Mrowla 1765 1786 5
1284-1287 Mrzygłód 1662 1805 4
1290 Myslatycze 1777 1784 1
1293-1294 Niebieszczany 1716 1777 2
1296-1299 Niebylec 1683 1776 4
1304-1310 Nienadówka 1666 1815 7
1315-1318 Niewodna 1663 1786 6
1320-1324 Niżankowice 1627 1781 5
1338-1341 Nowe Miasto 1754 1786 4
1343-1346 Nowosielce przewor. 1673 1784 4
1352 Nowosielce Koz. 1744 1784 1
1354-1356 Nowotaniec 1693 1786 3
1359-1362 Nozdrzec 1635 1817 4
1365-1368 Odrzykoń 1603 1817 4
1371 Osiek 1720 1751 1
1373 Osobnica 1784 1797 1
1376-1377 Ostrow 1763 1784 2
1384-1386 Pantalowice 1705 1777 3
1390 Pnikur 1685 1772 1
1392-1393 Pniew 1665 1785 2
1396-1404 Polana 1710 1787 9
1407 Poraz 1701 1770 1
1409-1410 Pruchnik 1720 1776 2
1421-1447 Przeworsk 1619 1785 27
1458-1462 Przewrotne 1730 1785 3
1458-1462 Przybyszówka 1628 1786 5
1466-1468 Przysietnica 1698 1787 3
1471-1472 Pysznica 1726 1781 2
1475 Raclawice 1659 1735 1
1481-1484 Radoysl 1728 1786 4 Radomyśl
1487 Radymno 1721 1786 1
1489-1499 Ranizow 1656 1818 11
1504-1506 Rogi 1636 1812 3
1590-1510 Rokietnica 1721 1784 2
1514 Równe 1713 1778 1
1521-1527 Rozwadów 1733 1858 7
1531-1535 Rudki 1682 1784 3
1540-1542 Rudolowice 1692 1784 4
1552 Rumno 1690 1786 1
1554 Rybotycze 1606 1786 1
1558-1562 Rychcice 1659 1784 5
1568-1570 Rymanów 1647 1776 3
1576-1585 Rzeszów 1661 1786 10
1597-1607 Sambor 1571 1782 11
1617-1625 Sanok 1705 1808 9
1632-1636 Sarzyna 1686 1814 5
1642-1644 Sądowa Wisznia 1693 1784 3
1648-1651 Sasiadowice 1716 1792 4
1655-1658 Sieniawa 1668 1784 4
1664-1666 Siennów 1620 1777 3
1672 Sietesz 1748 1777 1
1674-1676 Sławęcin 1661 1784 3
1678-1684 Słocina 1672 1786 7
1691-1698 Sokołów 1657 1784 8
1706 Starasol 1716 1753 1
1711 Staromieście 1751 1786 1
1719-1720 Strzałkowice 1694 1786 2
1723 Strzyżów 1721 1756 1
1728 Święcany 1700 1784 1
1735-1737 Świlcza 1730 1786 3
1740-1742 Szebnie 1650 1776 3
1745-1746 Targowiska 1679 1777 2
1750-1754 Tarnowiec 1654 1784 5
1757 Trzcinice 1653 1776 1
1762-1763 Trzesn 1750 1784 2
1766 Trześniów 1595 1786 1
1768-1773 Tuligłowy ad Komarno 1646 1784 6
1775-1776 Tuligłowy ad Pruchnik 1759 1785 2
1781-1786 Tyczyn 1661 1786 6
1794-1796 Tyrawa Wołoska 1651 1776 3
1798 Uherce 1749 1776 1
1800-1802 Ujkowice 1674 1785 3
1809-1816 Ulanów 1658 1785 8
1820-1822 Urzejowice 1703 1784 3
1831-1837 Wesoła 1613 1784 7
1844-1846 Wielowieś 1675 1776 3
1851-1852 Wojutycze 1646 1742 2
1854 Wola Rafal. 1691 1776 1
1857-1861 Wołkowyja 1708 1836 5
1863 Woloszcza 1705 1736 1
1869 Wrocanka 1717 1778 1
1871-1875 Wrzawy 1675 1787 5
1881-1844 Wysoka k. Łanc. 1651 1786 4
1904 Zabierow 1715 1777 1
1909-1916 Zaczernie 1667 1786 8
1929-1941 Zaleszany 1704 1785 3
1944-1946 Zaleze 1766 1784 3
1950-1953 Zarszyn 1693 1784 4
1955-1958 Zarzecze 1662 1784 4
1962 Zgłobień 1689 1733 1
1964-1967 Zręcin 1662 1774 4
1969 Żmigród Nowy 1698 1774 1
1972-1974 Żmigród Stary 1754 1803 3
1976-1984 Żołynia 1622 1784 9
1988-1990 Żurawica 1620 1784 3
2041-2042 Wola Zarczycka 1673 1759 2
2045 Kobylany 1746 1776 1
2060-2062 Głogów 1754 1800 3
2063-2067 Pstrągowa 1627 1780 5
2073-2074 Jedlicze 1709 1776 2
2075-2078 Jasło 1685 1784 4
2083-2084 Markowa 1773 1820 2
2088 Sąsiadowiec 1665 1710 1
2090 Strzyżów 1777 1784 1
2093-2094 Śliwcza 1700 1786 2
2097 Rokietnica 1686 1721 1


D5: 1/1-7 Bircza 1784 1871 7
D 13:1/1-2/2 Bruchnal 1787 1859 2
D 13:2/1-4 Jaworów 1816 1864 4
D 13:4/1-3 Krakowiec 1784 1880 3
D 13:8/1 Wielkie Oczy 1784 1855 1
D 19:3/1 Krukienice 1826 1830 1
D 19:9/1 Radenice 1782 1811 1
D 28:8/1 Tyrawa Wołoska 1831 1847 1
D 29:6/1-2 Sieniawa 1784 1860 2
D 36:2/1 Milatyn 1786 1837 1


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